About Us
The Association
The non-profit Association “L’Acero di Daphne” (Daphne’s Maple Tree) advocates and promotes the knowledge and the practice of palliative care, to make it more easily available to whoever, old or young, might take advantage of it. Palliative care is the best possible care of patients whose disease is not amenable to curative treatment. It addresses physical, psycho-social and spiritual care, including the treatment of pain and other symptoms.
The Association was born to maintain alive the memory of Laura, a young, cultivated, sensitive, and spiritually strong woman who died at the age of 26 years after a long and devastating disease, that she faced with courage and dignity.
The maple leaf is the symbol of Canada, the country that Laura loved and had chosen as a second homeland, while Daphne is the name of the nymph who was transformed in laurel, the tree from which the name Laura is derived.
To promote and advocate among health personnel and lay people the importance of delivering high-quality palliative care.
Write us for more information
L'Acero di Daphne ODV
Via Palazzin 2/B - 37024
Negrar di Valpolicella (Verona)