How To Help Us
Become members
- Download and print the Membership Form and the Informed Consent
- Fill out and sign the forms
- Scan both signed documents in PDF format
- Send a mail to attaching the two PDF documents
Make a Bank Transfer to:
- L’Acero di Daphne ODV
Via Palazzin 2/B
37024 Negrar di Valpolicella (VR)
Through one of these banks:
- BCC Valpolicella Benaco Banca – Agenzia di Negrar (VR)
IBAN: IT 33 R083 1559 6010 0000 0012 058
- Banco BPM – Agenzia di San Pietro in Cariano (VR)
IBAN: IT 84 A050 3459 8100 0000 0000 081
- “Donation”
Write us for more information
L'Acero di Daphne ODV
Via Palazzin 2/B - 37024
Negrar di Valpolicella (Verona)