How To Help Us

Home > How To Help Us

Become members

  1. Download and print the Membership Form and the Informed Consent
  2. Fill out and sign the forms
  3. Scan both signed documents in PDF format
  4. Send a mail to attaching the two PDF documents


Make a Bank Transfer to:

  • L’Acero di Daphne ODV
    Via Palazzin 2/B
    37024 Negrar di Valpolicella (VR)

Through one of these banks:

  • BCC Valpolicella Benaco Banca – Agenzia di Negrar (VR)
    IBAN: IT 33 R083 1559 6010 0000 0012 058
  • Banco BPM – Agenzia di San Pietro in Cariano (VR)
    IBAN: IT 84 A050 3459 8100 0000 0000 081


  • “Donation”

Write us for more information

L'Acero di Daphne ODV

Via Palazzin 2/B - 37024
Negrar di Valpolicella (Verona)